Big Easy Guests,
On behalf of our entire team, we would like to personally thank you for choosing our restaurant to dine in and order take out from. This has been a very difficult time for our restaurant community and the support that you have shown us over the past couple of months has been so amazing and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The health of our guests, our staff, and the rest of our community is the upmost importance to us. On top of our normal cleaning and disinfecting routine, we will be adding the additional procedures listed below. We also need your help! Please make sure you do your part to keep us safe by following the steps for guests outlined below.
steps the big easy is taking to keep everyone safe
Every member of the staff will get their temperature taken prior to working.
Masks will be worn at all times.
Gloves will be used and changed frequently.
All tables and chairs will be thoroughly sanitized between guests and spaced 6 feet apart.
We will provide individually packaged condiments.
Items coming in contact with customers (pens, check covers, etc.) will be sanitized after each guest.
Disposable paper menus and QR Code for access to menu.
Staff will practice social distancing.
Bathrooms, common spaces, door handles, will be sanitized at a minimum of every hour.
steps that we ask our patrons to take to
keep us safe too
Please use the hand sanitizing station in the front of the restaurant prior to sitting down.
Practice social distancing as best you can.
Please wash your hands with warm soapy water for 30 seconds after using the restroom.
If you have symptoms of Covid-19, please order for contactless delivery instead of dining in.
*Please have patience.* This is new to us all and we are trying our best.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time!
We appreciate it more than you know!
-The Staff of The Big Easy